WebA searchable list of NCCI Alabama workers compensation industry class codes, rates, and exclusive analytics reports used in commercial business insurance. WebCO Workers Compensation Classification Codes List. All other than flying crew, Aircraftoperation-helicopters NOC-. Work Comp is priced based on payroll. Workers Comp Class Codes. The Department of Industrial Accidents DOES NOT establish workers' compensation insurance rates and classification codes. 3632. It identifies the type of work predominately done at an employers location or where available the specific work performed by a group of employees. and payroll service companies to provide workers' compensation Home; Data . TOP SERVICES. activitiesperformed by Travelers' Aid Society, News agent ordistributor of magazines or other periodicals-not retaildealer-& salespersons, drivers, Automobile leasingcompany-long-term-sales employees, Salesperson-automobile leasing company, long-term, Truck leasingcompany-long-term-sales employees, Addressing or mailingcompanies & clerical, Accountant, auditoror factory cost or office systematizer-traveling, Auditors, accountantor factory cost office systematizer-traveling, Computer systemdesigners or programmers-traveling, Factory cost oroffice systematizer, accountant or auditor-traveling, Office or factorycost systematizer, accountant or auditor-traveling, Clerical officeemployees NOC-Program II-State Act, Airline orhelicopter-ticket sellers away from airport, Auditors-performingaudits at their employer's locations, Boy and girl scoutcouncils-clerical office employees, Computer systemdesigners or programmers-exclusively office, Newspaperpublishers-employees such as designers, proofreaders and editors, Public library ormuseum-professional employees & clerical, Racetrackoperation-horse or dog: pari-mutuel clerks cashiers & clericalemployees, Clerical officeemployees NOC-Program II-USL Act, Attorney-allemployees & clerical, messengers, drivers, Law office-allemployees & clerical, messengers, drivers, Retirement livingcenters: health care employees, Retirement livingcenters: food service employees, Retirement living centers: all other employees, salespersons, Convalescent ornursing home-all employees, Nursing orconvalescent home-all employees, Artificial insemination of cattle-professional employees-, Kennels-boarding and breeding-dog and cat, Ophthalmologist-nodispensing of optical goods, Banks and trustcompanies: dispensary employees, Nursing-home health,public & traveling-all employees, Public health nursingassociation-all employees, Charitable or welfareorganization-all operations (AK, CO, GA, MA, OR, WI), Charitable or welfareorganization-professional employees & clerical, Adjustment trainingcenters-professional employees and clerical, Adult day carecenters-professional employees & clerical, Religiousorganization: professional employees & clerical, Schools-trade orvocational-professional employees & clerical, Boy and girl scoutcouncils-day camp operations-all other employees, Child daycamp-professional employees and clerical, salespersons, Child day carecenter-professional employees and clerical, salespersons, Telephone ortelegraph co.: office, exchange, or clerical, Television cablecompany-clerical employees, Apartment propertymanagers and leasing agents, Building operation byowner, lessee, or real estate management firm: professionalemployees, property managers and leasing agents & clerical, salespersons, Condominiums orcooperatives: professional employees, property managers andleasing agents & clerical, salespersons, Chimneycleaning-residence-by vacuum suction, Insect control-notcrops, no use of poisonous gases, Waterproofing:exterior walls or subterranean structures by apparatus insertedin ground, Banks and trustcompanies: employees engaged in care custody ormaintenance-including night watch guards, elevator operators and starters, Boy and girl scoutcouncils-camp operations-overnight sleeping, Buildings-operationby owner, lessee or real estate management firm: all otheremployees, Condominiums orcooperatives-all employees engaged in care, custody andmaintenance of premises or facilities, Mobile home windstormtie-down installation-by trailer camp operator, Recreational vehicle campgrounds or parks-all operations, Scuba divinginstruction in swimming pools, Trailer parks or trailer camps-all operations, Warehouse spacerental-no storing of goods for others, Arena or stadium forboxing or wrestling matches, Arena or stadium forice shows, boat shows, automobile shows, Arena or stadium forrodeos, circuses, dolphin exhibitions, Caves orcaverns-operation for exhibition purposes-including guides,ticket sellers, gate attendants, maintenance employees, Racetrack operation-horse or dog: all other employees-including starters & assistants-, Recreational or amusement devices: archery ranges, Recreational or amusement devices: ball or dart throwing at targets-, Recreational or amusement devices: baseball batting ranges-, Recreational or amusement devices: golf courses-miniature-, Recreational or amusement devices: golf driving ranges-, Recreational or amusement devices: kiddie rides at permanent locations, Recreational oramusement devices: pony rides-care & maintenance of track, Recreational or amusement devices: shooting galleries (air rifles), Recreational oramusement devices: tennis courts-public-operation, Housing authority &clerical, salespersons, drivers, Asylum-all other thanprofessional employees, Hospital-all otherthan professional employees, Sanitarium-all otherthan professional employees, Casino gamblinghotel: all employees & clerical, salespersons, drivers, Commissary work-allemployees other than restaurant workers, Dude ranches-notcattle ranches-& salespersons, drivers, Hotel & salespersons,drivers-all other than restaurant employees, Motel, motor court orcabin-salespersons -all other than restaurant employees, Rooming houses orboarding houses-& salespersons, drivers, Motel, motor court orcabin-restaurant employees, Boy and girl scoutcouncils-day camp operations-professional employees, Child day camp-allother employees and drivers, Child day carecenter-all other employees and drivers, Club-country, golf,fishing or yacht-& clerical, Clubs-tennis,racquetball or handball-outdoor, Golf course, notminiature-public or private, Club-social,fraternal or business-operating on own premises or facilities &clerical, Casino gambling: allemployees & clerical, salespersons, drivers, Clubs-tennis,racquetball or handball-indoor, Tanning parlor inconjunction with health club, YMCA, YWCA, YMHA orYWHA, institution-all employees & clerical, Club-officers &enlisted personnel-military base, Recreational centeror library-military base, United States armed service risk-all employees, Bar, discotheque,lounge, nightclub or tavern, Restaurant-bar,discotheque, lounge, nightclub or tavern, Adjustment trainingcenters-all other employees, Adult day carecenters-all other employees, College-all employeesother than professional or clerical, Public library ormuseum-all other than professional employees or clerical, Religiousorganization: all other employees, Schools-all otherthan professional & clerical employees, Schools-trade orvocational-all other than professional or clerical employees, Charitable or welfare organization-all other employees, Dinner theater-allother employees-theater payroll greater than 50%, Theater NOC-allemployees other than players, entertainers or musicians, Dinnertheater-players, entertainers-theater payroll greater than 50%, Theater NOC-players,entertainers or musicians, Athletic team orpark: non-contact sports-players, coaches, managers or umpires, Athletic team orpark: contact sports-players, coaches, managers or umpires, Amusement device operation NOC-not traveling, Race car drivers.Separately rate race car team as Code 8380, Recreational oramusement devices: pony rides--excluding trackmaintenance, Skiing operations-tows, instructors, patrols, cable chair sky rides-, Train operation-miniature at amusement park-, Athletic team orpark: players, coaches, managers, or umpires (MO), Athletic team or park: all employees other than players, coaches, managersor umpires, Amusement device operator, carnival or circus-traveling-all employees, Carnival, circus or amusement device operator-traveling-all employees, Circus, carnival or amusement device operator-traveling-all employees. Classification Codes & Rates. View our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service for more information. Postal Service-all employees, Trucking-haulingexplosives or ammunition-all employees (AZ, MO), Automobile haulawayor driveaway-driving cars on or off vessels, Stevedoring-by handor hand trucks exclusively, Freight handlingNOC-coverage under Longshore Act, Freighthandling-explosives or ammunition-under contract-coverage underLongshore Act, Stevedoring-freighthandling NOC-coverage under Longshore Act, Aircraft orautomobile-preparing and crating for shipment, Freight handlingNOC-coverage under State Act, Freighthandling-explosives or ammunition-under contract-coverage underState Act, Stevedoring-freighthandling NOC-coverage under State Act, Ambulance servicecompanies -all other than garage employees, Limousinecompany-non-scheduled -all other than garage employees, Taxicab company--all other than garage employees, Advertising material distribution-mobile & door to door-, Banks and trustcompanies: armored car crews (bank employees-notcontractors), Distributingcompanies-if employees transported to location in cars ortrucks- (samples, advertising circulars telephone directories, etc. Class Codes. They are thenational council on compensation insurance,and have helped add consistency for work comp classifications across state lines. Don't go it alone. If you are looking for general liability or workers compensation class codes , you can find them for free with our comprehensive online lists! For more information, check out this post on Loss Costs & Loss Cost Multipliers. While most states do use the NCCI class codes, it is important to remember that somestates have additionalworkers compensation class codes that are unique to their state. The rates listed for each state are calculated manual rates and may include loss cost multipliers and assessments. All other thanflying crew, Aircraft or helicopter: transportation of personnel in conduct of employer's business-ground crew personnel-, Aircraftoperation-helicopters NOC-flying crew, Aircraftoperation-helicopters-sky crane work-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial logging operations flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: sky crane operations, flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-commuter-flying crew, Fireplug-installation, repair and maintenance, Electric light orpower line clearing of new right-of-ways by line contractor- (clearing of right-of-way performed by contractors alsoengaged in telephone telegraph or alarm line construction shall be assigned to Code7601), Electric light or power line construction, Floodlighting ofstadiums, parks, etc.-drivers, Electric light or power co. NOC-all employees, Electric light or power cooperative-REA project only-all employees, Cable TV-service orrepair of existing cables, Telephone ortelegraph co.: all employees except office exchange or clerical, Cable TV-stringing of cable on existing utility poles-, Fire alarm, telephone or telegraph line construction, Telephone, telegraph or fire alarm line construction, Audio or intercommunication system installation-within buildings-, Intercommunication systems installation or repair, Telephone installation-by specialist contractor, not telephone company-, Motion pictureproduction: all operations up to the development of negatives &clerical, drivers, Radio or televisionbroadcasting station-all employees & clerical, drivers, Radio or television broadcasting station-field announcers-, Television or radiobroadcasting station-all employees & clerical, drivers, Television or radio broadcasting station-field announcers-, Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, underground and drivers, Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, underground and drivers, Antennaeinstallation-microwave, on towers, Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, overhead and drivers, Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, overhead and drivers, Cable TV or telephoneline installation-contractors, service lines and connection anddrivers, Telephone or cable TVline installation-contractors, service lines and connection anddrivers, Airport security screening of passengers by contractor-, Bank and trust company contractors-not employees of banks or trust companies-including contracted services such as guards, patrols, messengers, armored car crews-, Highway operations-toll roads-police officers-, Plant protection-special employees hired for plant protection during strike periods-, Security enforcement or protection-contract, Truck weighing station inspectors-permanent location, Railroad construction: laying of tracks or maintenance by contractors-, Automobile rentalcompany . Allother than flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter air carrier-scheduled or supplemental-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter aerial application, seeding, herding orscintillometer surveying-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: patrol, photography mapping or surveywork: flying crew (AK, MO), Aircraft orhelicopter aerial forest fire fighting-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: parachute jumping for publicexhibition-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter: public exhibition involving stunt flying racing orparachute jumping-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter: transportation of personnel in conduct of employer'sbusiness-flying crew, Aircraftoperation-fixed wing NOC-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter flight testing by manufacturer-manufactured under anapproved type certificate-flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial advertising, flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: aerial photography, flying crew, Aircraft orhelicopter operation: parachute jumping conducted by licensedskydiving schools, Aircraft orhelicopter: patrol, photography-mapping or survey work-flyingcrew, Aircraft orhelicopter: sales or service agency-flying crew, Mapping or surveywork-aerial-photography-flying crew, Aircraftoperation-fixed wing NOC-. Both the code and class description are listed in numerical order: 0005 Christmas Tree Farm & Drivers. Insurance companies need to be able to categorize varioustypes of work into class codesto be able to effectively estimate workers compensation rates for each type of work. Completely out-source all of your HR tasks & functions to Gameday HR.
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