This can be problematic if you have plants that prefer neutral or alkaline soil conditions. Bill Sapp, a senior attorney for the SELC, also attended the 2010 meeting in Atlanta and co-authored the report about cypress forests in Georgia. That depends. Cypress mulch is derived From an ethical standpoint, I would avoid cypress mulch. Repels some insects and ticks. We found that there are certain threats to cypress ecosystems.. It can be excruciating. This relieves you from having to water your garden or landscape as often, and it protects plants from the effects of drought. The revolting odor should dissipate on its own after a few days of mulch placement. The latest data for the entire South, covering 2009-2017, show that average annual removals of cypress equal less than 1% (0.54%) of total cypress volume. 2023 Gardening Know How, Future US LLC, Full 7th Floor, 130 West 42nd Street, New York, NY 10036. Cypress mulch is often more expensive than other types of mulch, which can be a deterrent for budget-conscious gardeners. Read on to learn more about this popular mulching option and what we offer at Gaston Mulch and Soil. Relatively expensive Finally, there's the issue of cost. For example, brownish/red pine mulch goes well with brick houses, says Jeremy Becker, owner of FireFly Landscapes in Kansas City. Aromatic. The biggest differences between the two are price and availability, among some other pros and cons that youll read about below. Check out our dedicated article: cypress mulch vs. cedar mulch. Hydrology modifications: Reservoirs, canals, channels, and other structures have changed how water flows across Georgias coastal plain. Davey Resource Group used gray and green infrastructures to solve stormwater issues at the Graduate Conference Center in Ohio. Cypress trees grow with yellow bladderwort in a wetland near Waltersboro, South Carolina. Fluff the sour mulch and allow it to dry in the open air. Contact our pros today if youd like to learn more about simulated cypress or our other mulch varieties. However, managing rivers for commerce almost invariably leads to nearby ecosystem disturbances that are difficult to mitigate. Chambers is working with environmental groups and Although US cypress trees are listed as a species of minor concern by the International Union for Conservation of Nature, they are not a common tree crop because of their slow growth habits and their preference for swampy environments. Is cypress better than cedar? There is nothing wrong with using wood-chip mulches as long as you age them first. Lets learn more. But it can sometimes smell horrible. I conducted a search of the National Library of Aug 17, 2019 - Cypress mulch is a poor choice for your garden because it is produced using unsustainable methods. Editors note: This article is from the archives of the MSU Crop Advisory Team What are the disadvantages of cedar mulch? Virtually all old-growth cypress groves have been clear cut, and what is left is under attack by the cypress mulch industry. The sun evaporates water as it beats down, especially during the heat of the day. Thats what youd get mixed up with manure. Therefore, it could have spread seed over much of the range of cypress.". Sign up for our newsletter. If cypress trees are replanted at allwhich they often arent as the land is planted with pines for future loggingit takes decades for the cypress populations to regrow. If your mulch smells like manure, its most likely due to anaerobic conditions in it. They break down organic matter to produce humus, heat, water, and CO2. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! MulchWorx Black Mulch Colorant Concentrate Review, Greenworks 2000 PSI Electric Pressure Washer Review. The darling of gardeners everywhere. In what way? The report cites University of Florida Cooperative Extension Service research that evaluated 15 different kinds of mulches during a six-month period to compare their effectiveness. In other ways, when you start to look at all the impacts, you begin to wonder just how long we will have these cypress trees., Three things concern him: development, logging, and rising sea levels. But, because of its habitat in old forests along rivers, I would guess mainly bald cypress. Benefits of cypress mulch in gardens. These Actinobacteria thrive in anaerobic environments. But is it all sunshine and roses? Home and Garden | Gardening Pine Bark Vs. Hardwood Mulch By SF Gate Contributor Updated July 2, 2021 9:06 p.m. Cypress mulch is attractive, durable, and offers a pleasant aroma. Home Depot gets written confirmation from each supplier stating they are compliant with the companys cypress mulch requirements. Much of the Southeastern US now restricts cypress tree harvesting to protect them for future generations. Cypress mulch is a term that refers to a mulch made from shredded cypress trees. I also like how it protects my plants from heat and cold damage. If you suspect a termite problem, its always best to call in a licensed professional to confirm your findings and treat your property to eliminate these pests and prevent further infestations. Anything thicker will act as a moisture and air barrier. Tree Service Experts Since 1880. And, to be honest, their decomposition odor isnt all that strong. Kitchen Improvement Is Cypress Mulch Good or Bad? For more information, visit The trees are ground into chips or shredded. It prevents the moisture in the soil from evaporating and drying out quickly, which cuts down on the amount of watering. A stand of cypress trees in the Francis Marion National Forest in South Carolina. DRG helps utilities such as PHI and BGE enroll and stay compliant in programs like the Monarch CCAA that put environmental conservation at the forefront of ROW vegetation management. Using grass cuttings as mulch is an environmentally friendly way to dispose of them. These actions, when combined, create ideal conditions for anaerobic degradation. This will allow air into the soil and improve aeration. Cypress mulch is made from the shredded wood of cypress trees, either bald cypress (Taxodium distichum) or pond cypress (Taxodium distichum var. Guide to Mulching: Is Cedar or Cypress Mulch Better. With its attractive reddish-brown color and long-lasting properties, its no wonder that cypress mulch has become a go-to option for gardeners looking to spruce up their beds. It should be between 2 and 4 inches long. Home Depot has a similar policy. Looking for a rewarding career with opportunities for growth? Cypress mulch comes mainly from Central Florida and Louisiana, where it was a by-product of lumbering. What's the best way cover tree roots above ground? Unfortunately, logging has taken its toll on the cypress population. for many reasons. Cypress trees are important for our history and future, so its important to understand the advantages and disadvantages of cypress mulch when choosing what to include in your landscape. And that, Conner said, worries me sometimes when I think about it.. As a result, use burlap sacks or open containers. You can mulch around trees with standard bark mulch, or you can use wood chips or shredded leaves. Numerous environmental advocacy groups and universities in states with once significant cypress populations such as the University of Florida in its Florida-Friendly Landscape Care and the Louisiana State University Agricultural Center do not recommend the use of cypress mulch. Increased harvesting and mortality: There has been an overall increase in cypress harvesting and cypress mulch production. Usually it takes a two-year dry-down period, said Conner. Basically, we are destroying South Louisiana with canals that have allowed salt water from the Gulf of Mexico to penetrate inward, Creech said. Poke holes through the mulch for indoor plants. The properties of cypress mulch that prevent it from floating can also have negative effects in your garden. How about gravel or concrete? Finally, theres the issue of cost. Cypress mulch can also be acidic, which can lead to problems for plants that prefer neutral or alkaline soil. You will notice a distinct toxic or sour odor. In some areas along the Southeastern coast, Conner said, salt water intrusion from rising sea level has killed many trees. others to develop a process to certify that mulch is produced from Cypress mulch is often more expensive than other types of mulch, which can be a deterrent for budget-conscious gardeners. In Louisiana, the issues with cypress logging are small compared to problems caused by salinity, said David Creech, Regents Professor Emeritus at Stephen F. Austin State University in Nacogdoches, Texas. And while some large trees are still harvested for the building industry, and these sawmills sell the mulch byproduct, it has become increasingly difficult to determine the origin of much of the cypress mulch on the market today. Non-dyed . The answer is FALSE. It also adds nutrients to the soil as it breaks down and is a great cover for soil insulation. Plenty, says a national gardening group, some academics and scientists, and a host of environmentalists. Relatively hardy and adaptive to a wide range of soil types, they are most commonly found in the swamps of Alabama, the Carolinas, Florida, Georgia, Louisiana, Alabama, Georgia, and Mississippi. You love your trees and you want them to grow strong. It was the only parakeet native to the eastern United States and once numbered in the hundreds of thousands. Its important to mix and spread the mulch before you start fluffing it up. Lets talk about these two mulch options so you can make the best choice for your trees. Pleasant Color and Smell Lower Cost Adds Nutrients to the Soil Resists Decay Helps Repel Insects Regulates Soil Moisture and Temperature Negative Aspects Of Cypress Mulch Can Become Water-Repellant May Alter Soil Acidity May Cause Environmental Harm Environmental Concerns About Cypress Mulch Should You Use Cypress Mulch? While some dies are safe, it is always better to be on the safe side. According to the home guides section of SFGate, it won't change the soil pH when it goes. It can also be more easily washed away by running water due to its small chip size. The same is true for any acrid ammonia odor. The Mississippi River naturally flowed into the Gulf in a thousand different fingers, Creech said. The National Gardening Association (NGA) thinks the potential environmental downsides are big enough to discourage using cypress mulch. Want to request a FREE consultation or speak to your Davey local office about your residential tree or lawn needs? Greenworks 80V 16 Chainsaw Review: Unleashing the Beast! Nadia Hassani is a a Penn State Master Gardener with nearly 20 years of experience in landscaping, garden design, and vegetable and fruit gardening. As an environmentally friendly mulch, it also boosts the appearance of your garden and suppresses weeds. Every month or so, fluff up your mulch. This mulch, in addition to staying put, helps to retain soil moisture for a longer period of time. Nourishing for the soil as it breaks down. It should be covered with weed barrier fabric or a roof tarp. Research has shown that leachate from mulch containing CCA treated . Yes, and Here's Why It's time to mulch again! Mulch should be applied sparingly. Since the cypress tree population isnt strong, discouraging the excessive use of cypress mulch can help preserve the environment and natural habitats. The decomposed organic matter holds too much moisture. Theres still some consumer demand, but that market hasnt grown as it has with other product lines, and most of the [cypress mulch] products youll notice are not pure products, they are blends. The use of hardwoods and soft woods in the lawn and garden industry far exceed the use of cypress, LaGasse said. A check on Market Research and a few other research aggregators did not find any sites that subdivided the mulch market into the cypress category, he added. It is a worry that spawns several different questions. The sulfuric odor youre smelling is a sign of anaerobic degradation. It degrades faster and thus improves soil structure more quickly. Since 2012, its been sort of quiet, Conner said of the cypress mulch controversy. If cost is a concern, you may want to consider using a less expensive type of mulch, such as pine bark mulch or straw. Its worth protecting them because they are special, whereas pine trees are not special., Fortunately, despite various environmental pressures, we have quite a bit of cypress left today, said Conner, the Clemson researcher. 2023 The Davey Tree Expert Company. Home improvement stores and garden centers sell either 100% cypress mulch, or a cypress mulch blend that also contains other types of woods. By continuing to use this site, you accept our use of cookies. Another benefit of cypress mulch is its aesthetic appeal. Some people use shredded newspapers, gravel or plastic sheeting. They will not be washed away in your garden by rain.
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