The interviews, approximately 30/40min each, were audio-recorded, transcribed in verbatim and subjected to hermeneutical and analysed by content analysis [68]. Safe blood is critical both for treatments and urgent interventions. CDC is one of the federal agencies responsible for assuring the safety of the U.S. blood supply through investigations and surveillance. 2011;16(4):35670. Contact the following organizations to find a local blood collection site and schedule an appointment: The Red Cross Blood Donor app is another way to find a place to donate and get notified of blood drives in your area. The analysis confirms that the 2 (chi-squared) value is significant with its linked probability value. The campaign, funded through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, features personal stories of people who benefit from donations: Organizations from across the blood and plasma industries were instrumental in creating this campaign. When I donate I pay attention to whether medical staff are friendly and qualified, polite treatment and to tangible aspects such as the cleanliness of the facilities). Attitude change, media and word of mouth. Martn-Santana JD, Beerli-Palacio A. 1. The Theory of Planned Behaviour [14] has been primarily used to analyse blood donation intention, as it provides interesting insights for studying the phenomenon. Donating blood is a simple, quick, and effective way for eligible individuals to get involved in their community. Martn-Santana JD, Beerli-Palacio A. However, this study respects ethical issue and policy specifically considering the privacy and professional secret. 1981. Fordham J, Dhingra N. Towards 100% voluntary blood donation: a global framework for action. 1998;103(3):391. Knowledge, attitudes and practices surveys of blood donation in developing countries. The robust estimator MLMV was used for continuous variables to correct covariance. When autocomplete results are available use up and down arrows to review and enter to select. All the data meet the criteria for acceptable reliability and validity: 0.7 for Cronbachs alpha [73, 79, 80], 0.5 for AVE and 0.7 for CR [74]. Our nations blood and plasma supply dropped to historic lows during the COVID-19 pandemic. It reinforces the global call for more people all over the world to donate blood regularly and contribute to better health. Pan American Health Organization. Our results confirmed that the donors awareness of the importance to donate prevails over inhibitors for the donors sample. Bednall TC, Bove LL, Cheetham A, Murray AL. Transfus Apher Sci. The observed model in Group A (donors) shows that Attitude (=0.441) and Perceived Behavioural Control (=0.553) directly and positively influence Intention (H1, H3). Now that youve decided what and where to donate, heres some information to help you prepare for your appointment. The other indicators of goodness of fit can be considered adequate since all the values fall within the thresholds suggested by the literature. Below are four examples of blood centers around the world that have used influencer marketing programs. Journal of marketing research. It is estimated that 40units of blood are needed per year for every 1000 people, that is about 2,400,000units only for Italy. Mark Lett. Nevertheless, some new constructs were included in the present study to fill the gaps in knowledge identified in the literature review [e.i. Who. With our research, we will analyse the two perspectives to identify similarities and differences concentrating on the Italian context. Then, constraining the loadings between the groups yielded a nonsignificant increase of the CFI (CFI=.003), providing support for metric invariance. World Blood Donor Day Concert - 9:00 - 11:00pm 14 JUNE 2021. Application of the theory of planned behaviour in behaviour change interventions: a systematic review. The need for blood is universal, but access to blood At the macro level, including the government and policymakers such as the Health Ministry, our study highlights the vital role of information and communication for developing effective strategies to promote blood donations in the Italian community. It's that simple (Monkey Business Images / 1991. Read more about our comment policy . J Appl Psychol. The campaign was well received by both the Muslim community and the NHS Blood and Transplant, which was then the National Blood Service (NBS). For general media inquiries, please It is necessary to meet young people and take initiatives in schools and universities to sensitise them to blood donation). Crystal of Birmingham, Ala. is a wife and mom of two boys who was diagnosed with two neuromuscular autoimmune conditions that resulted in her going from being totally independent to suddenly being unable to feed, bathe, or dress herself. We urge all eligible individuals to give now to help ensure blood products remain available for children battling cancer, accident victims and others.. Posted on 5 April 2023 Tags Blood donation drive at Nalanda Centre A pint of blood saves up to 3 lives! Donate blood, save lives. 2006;46:54553. The macro-level role is crucial for proposing effective and efficient strategies able to promote blood donation as much as possible, orienting the meso level to take concrete actions to educate citizens, especially young people and millennials. Indeed, the construct is generated by the perception that other people appreciate blood donation and the recurrence of donating. An adequate supply can only be ensured through regular donations by voluntary, unpaid blood donors. Journal of advertising research.1971. Each month, roughly 1,000 drives are canceled, he said. 5), including only the significant relations between factors (p<0.05). Similarly, Reid and Wood [9] suggested considering a broader set of variables to increase this researchs usefulness. 2005;45(2):14961. For this reason, in the last decade, the mixed methods approach has considered a methodological pillar [63, 64]. While there is no cure for her condition, plasma-based treatments and a healthier lifestyle are helping her regain her mobility. Moreover, the non-donors considered the security of transfusion centres and easy access to information about donation (e.g., places and times) as strengths of service quality (i.e. Health Mark Q. Br J Health Psychol. In particular, the results reveal that Subjective Norms (=0.346), Perceived Behavioural Control (=0.410) and Attitude (=0.052) affect intention to donate (H2, H3, H1). Hence the donation is considered a free, conscious and non-profit activity, carried out by voluntary non-remunerated blood donors (VNRD). During the preliminary qualitative phase of the analysis, 30 in-depth interviews were conducted (15=donors; 15=non-donors). He says the nations need for blood donations is constant, Each day, the Red Cross must collect nearly 13,000 blood donations for patients at about 2,500 hospitals nationwide. Indeed, both WOM and e-WOM have a significant impact on consumer behaviour and decision-making [45] and a more significant influence on behaviour than other sources due to the reliability and flexibility of interpersonal communication and personal sources being viewed as more trustworthy [46, 47]. Schreiber GB, Schlumpf KS, Glynn SA, et al. Johnson RB, Onwuegbuzie AJ, Turner LA. Devine, D., Goldman, M., Engelfriet, C. P., Reesink, H. W., Hetherington, C., Hall, S., & Katz, L. M. Donor recruitment research. 2. Moreover, a good campaign of communication could also be useful for acting on non-donors Inhibitors. New York: McGraw-Hill Higher. A lock (LockA locked padlock) or https:// means youve safely connected to the .gov website. May 27, 2023 Nepal College of Management (NCM) organized a Blood Donation Campaign at its campus recently. The sample comprises 260 respondents, divided into donors (N=173) and non-donors (N=87). (i.e. Unfortunately, blood is a limited resource that cannot be reproduced and presents a little lifecycle from donation to utilisation [2]. Pagliariccio A, Marinozzi M. Donor satisfaction and desire to donate: the effect of a psychological interview. The campaign aims to increase awareness of the importance of donating blood and plasma and to encourage Americans to create new . Therefore, it is a priority to investigate the propensity for donation among citizens to plan awareness actions and to identify the key factors and an effective incentive system to promote donation. Armitage CJ, Conner M. Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: a meta-analytic review. In contrast, Attitude, Subjective Norm and Perceived Behavioural Control are the main predictors for non-donors. The semi-structured interviews were composed of 7 guiding questions that were chosen a priori to facilitate discussion and maintain consistency [65], allowing respondents to express themselves naturally. A brief motivational interview with action and coping planning components enhances motivational autonomy among volunteer blood donors. 34.4:438-455. BLOOD DONATION INFORMATION Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs a blood transfusion. For non-donors, the primary aspect that may encourage them to start donation dating is the needs of blood from friends and family members (54%) followed by sensitive companies (21%) (Table 4). Figure1 illustrates the hypotheses in the conceptual model. Google Scholar. The datasets generated and/or analysed during the current study are not publicly available due because they are related to patients but are available from the corresponding author on request. Ministero della Salute, 2020. In line with this view, several authors [22, 24, 26,27,28,29] proposed extended and more comprehensive versions of the model to increase its predictive power [21]. However, France et al. Also, the non-donors perceive donors as courageous (3) and religious (2). It is possible to notice that the indicators have significant loadings on their assigned constructs. Martn-Santana JD, Reinares-Lara E, Reinares-Lara P. Using Radio Advertising to Promote Blood Donation. NHS Give Blood. Our findings can also provide useful insights at different levels (macro, meso and micro) to promote blood donation. "We are planning to collaborate with Raja Isteri Pengiran Anak Saleha (RIPAS) Hospital Blood Donation Centre again in the next three months to do another campaign. Get in touch to schedule your drive, and find out specific information for your area. Make sure you are well-hydrated. We simply need more people to give and to give regularly. As stated by France et al. A special focus of this years campaign will be the role of young people in ensuring a safe blood supply. 14 June 2022 Mexico City, Mexico Franais Espaol World Blood Donor Day takes place on 14 June each year. The trans-contextual model of autonomous motivation in education: conceptual and empirical issues and meta-analysis. The non-donors sample included 87 respondents, of which 65.5% were females, and 34.5% were males. You will need more appointments than your drive goal. Become a donor:, 2020. Wilson says that the pandemics effects on donations are ongoing. Select State Andhra Pradesh Arunachal Pradesh Assam Bihar Chandigarh Chhattisgarh Delhi Ncr Goa Gujarat Haryana Himachal Pradesh Jammu & Kashmir Jharkhand Karnataka Kerala Madhya Pradesh Maharashtra Manipur Meghalaya Mizoram Nagaland Odisha Punjab Rajasthan Tamil Nadu Telangana . and Thomson et al. The transfusion centres must guarantee the easy access to the donation centre and the easy-to-find information about places and times. Hence, a graphical representation of the model is proposed. Comparative fit indexes in structural models. Subjective Norm does not affect the intention. Earl of Scranton, Pa. was badly wounded by a roadside bomb in Afghanistan, which led to massive blood loss and a need to have his leg amputated. Nonis SA, Ford CW, Logan L, Hudson G. College student's blood donation behavior: relationship to demographics, perceived risk, and incentives. Published for AMER ABRA cE-Bsby e-International . In that sense, the role of traditional forms of communication should be strengthened by sharing information and experiences throughout individuals WOM and electronic WOM (e-WOM). Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. There is a need to further investigate the phenomenon in other countries by developing empirical studies to analyse the main antecedents of citizens behavioural intention. LED Edizioni Universitarie. health systems. In both cases, suggestions to increase the propensity towards blood donation were assessed. Muthn & Muthn. Sage Publications: Los Angeles. Google Scholar. Guglielmetti Mugion, R., Pasca, M.G., Di Di Pietro, L. et al. Hosting a blood drive is a partnership - between your community and your local Red Cross. Effective information and communication initiatives can then encourage people to change their behaviour by removing real or perceived inhibitors [41,42,43,44]. In Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics2016; 169:121132. Portis M. Service learning that saves lives: blood drives. It is necessary to consider three main factors for studying the intention to donate by using the lens of the TPB: attitudes (overall evaluation of a specific behaviour), subjective norms (beliefs about the importance of others approval), and perceived behavioural control (beliefs about the ability undertake the proposed behaviour). Still, it can be enlarged to other countries since it can help investigate different cultural viewpoints, evidencing the normative differences among Countries. (see: The non-donors were selected through a snowball approach [66]. These two open questions were analysed by classifying and coding the motivations shared by the respondents. Sage Publications. 46. Thanks in advance for your questions and comments on this Public Health Matters post. Weve all heard the catchphrase: Donate blood, save lives. WASHINGTON, D.C., JULY 18, 2019 Over the course of three weeks, nearly 300,000 generous individuals came together through the American Red Cross Missing Types campaign to donate blood and help save lives. BMC Health Serv Res 21, 127 (2021). Toward a definition of mixed methods research. While, the case of non-donor Attitude, Subjective norm and Perceived Behavioural Control directly influence the intention to donate (for the first time). loss or damage resulting from reliance on any such information. Donors believe in the intrinsic values of donation (7); they donate to help friends/family (6) or for external influences (2) such as meeting new people, having a free check-up or obtaining social recognition among friends/family. Indeed, as Suemnig et al. Also, the research proposes a combined analysis of two different groups: donors and non-donors. Holdershaw J, Gendall P, Wright M. Predicting willingness to donate blood. They identified a substantial inequity in the attitude towards voluntary blood donation between developed and developing countries. He survived because of several blood transfusions. Barbaranelli C, Ingoglia S. I Modelli di Equazioni Strutturali: Temi e prospettive. This global framework for action proposes four broad goals and 20 well-defined strategies to address the main constraints and challenges in achieving 100% voluntary blood donation. Melin-Alzola L, Martn-Santana JD. Correspondence to Transfus Med. Grewal R, Mehta R, Kardes FR. An assessment of consumers product, purchase decision, advertising and consumption involvement in fashion clothing. Grow your donor base with each drive. RapidPass speeds up donor flow. Give now. The paper is aimed at understanding the main antecedents related to the blood donation propensity related to both donors and non-donors. On this base, we decided to test the relation between the intention of blood donation and WOM positing the following hypothesis: Finally, this study identifies the role of service quality in the blood donation process identifying the critical aspects of donor experience. The goodness of fit indexes can be considered adequate following the literature thresholds. Starting from the above assumptions and theoretical background, we highlighted extensive literature on blood donation. Hupfer ME, Taylor DW, Letwin JA. Google Scholar. Get a good nights sleep and drink extra liquids to be sure that youre well-hydrated.