parent portal blind brook

An academic assistance period for high school students is scheduled daily from 2: Our interscholastic athletic program begins at 3:15, and our detention program is before school starting at 7:10, Guidance related to the Blind Brook Reopening Plan for the 2022-2023 school year can be found on the District Website, The nurses office is located on the first, across from the main office and is staffed between the hours of 7:50. to assist students with health related issues. Regents Science Laboratory Reports. of the building principal, the students counselor and the teacher of record. If you forget or misplace your password, navigate to the Parent Portal login page and click the Forgot Password? option. In this school district, the following procedures for the administration of internal medication to students during school hours are as follows: a written request from the family physician in which. will be helping students to be socially, emotionally and academically successful. Proofs of residency: requires a copy of a residential lease, deed, or mortgage statement PLUS any two(2) of the following: utility bill, drivers license, landlord statement or similar document. You will be prompted to enter the user ID or email associated with the account. She can be reached at extension 4451. The driveway and below are considered off-campus. Duringremote learning, students are expected to attend all classes as assigned and follow the same attendance conditions as in-person learning. Failure to attend could result in administrative disciplinary action. Malicious use of the Internet or the network to develop programs that harass other users. Students are encouraged to bring their own water bottles and use the refilling stations throughout the building. Copyright 2022 Finalsite - all rights reserved. At the high school, if the parent does not notify the school within 24 hours, the absence will be considered a cut, and the student will be required to attend detention. Students who are excused from school during the day (for medical, dental or college appointments, etc.) Blind Brook-Rye School District when visiting locations on the Internet. To determine your student's home campus, please use the InfoFinder interactive tool. Students' actions, behaviors, and words must be appropriate and respectful to all students and teachers/faculty members during the session. Building principals and chairpersons of both the CSE and the 504 Team are authorized to initiate such referrals directly. In addition, instruction and training career courses, job placement and career counseling services are available. The use of Cell Phone text messaging during an exam or during instructional time is, The use of a Pager text messaging during an exam or during instructional time is, If a graphing calculator must be used, students shall show the instructor that they have. Parents can view what their children purchase in the cafeteria as well as add money to their student's lunch account through My School Bucks. Attendance in the learning center will be handled in the same manner as all other classes. The nurses office is located on the first floor across from the main office and is staffed between the hours of 7:50 AMand 2:50 PMto assist students with health related issues.Symptomatic students or staff members will follow the Center for Disease Control and Preventions guidance unless otherwise directed by a healthcare provider or the local department of health. up to and including the denial of course credit. For the safety of our students and others, please note the following: The Commons offers a pleasant atmosphere to gather and socialize. In order to ensure that parents are able to work with the school to assist pupilsin closing gaps and clarifying the misunderstandings in their knowledge, the schools obligation to provide such information shall include providing access to tests, quizzes, and projects or papers. High school parents may call or email the attendance office to report an absence, tardy, or early dismissal: High School:; 914.937.3600 ext. Beginning with the Class of 2022, all grades will be numerical on a 0 to 100 point scale. Ms. Kim Saxton is responsible for the physical education and health curricula and all aspects of the Interscholastic Athletics Program including program management, hiring and evaluation of coaches, team scheduling, and student selection and discipline. Pre-learning applies to any learning task that seeks to introduce students to a concept or topic by providing background information in advance. The Assistant Principal, Mr. Mark Greenwald, reports to the high school principal and is responsible for attendance, scheduling, testing, and student supervision and discipline in the high school. This can ease the burden of meeting special requests for early graduation. 914-937-3600 x2199 Quick Links Student Absence and Attendance Change of Dismissal Form BMPRSS Family Guidebook School Directory eSchoolData Parent Portal Lunch Menus PTA Headlines & Features BMPRSS LUNCH MENU Click here to register for Kindergarten for the 2023-2024 school year Blind Brook - Rye Union Free School District. Prior approval by the, There will be two ways to accrue community service credit. Classroom acknowledgement of the importance of good attendance (e.g., individual certificates, recognition chart, bulletin boards), Acknowledgements in school newsletters and community publications (with parent/person in parental relation consent), Students who are unable to attend a class on a given day/period due to their participation in a school related function and who arrange with their teachers to make up any work missed, shall, upon the completion of any make-up work assigned, be given credit for class participation for the day/class missed. In support of State and Federal laws pertaining to students with disabilities, the Board of Education supports a full continuum of services in the District to enable it to meet, within District, the needs of the majority of its identified students. Transportation will not be provided on highways that have not been dedicated and/or maintained by town, county, and/or state highway departments. Copyright 2022 Finalsite - all rights reserved. or entry of the grade, or to replace an Incomplete with a grade. When the building principal or his/her designee sees an individual engaged in prohibited conduct, which in his or her judgment does not pose any immediate threat of injury to persons or property, the principal or his/her designee shall tell the individual that the conduct is prohibited and attempt to persuade the individual to stop. For this reason, the school supplements Quarterly Report Cards with Interim Reports, parent conferences, etc. ; Get Involved Information on how to become an approved volunteer and other ways to support Polk County Public Schools. To support parents in answering their questions or concerns in the most effective way, we have established a document to effectively communicate between parents and school personnel. The following Regents examinations are offered at BBHS: Comprehensive English Regents or the Common Core English Regents, Select AP exam scores may be used to substitute for Regents exams; exam. To give each identified student genuine opportunities to develop those skills and make those connections necessary to meet post -secondary goals. Parking in designated fire lanes may result in the. More information about the interscholastic athletic program can be found on the athletics website and in the Interscholastic Athletic Handbook. Final grades will not be recorded for classes in which no credit is earned and students will not be permitted to take the final examination. An effort will be made to minimize crossing of the road by students. Fax (914) 937-4509. If a student feels ill or wishes to be excused, he/she must report to the nurses office for permission to leave school. The Guidance Department administers the program. The Student Senate meets alternate Fridays at 7:00am. Accordingly, parents dropping off or picking up children at the beginning and end of the school day will do so only in areas designated by the school administration. Phone- (914) 937-3600 ext 3401. TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR STUDENT USE OF THE INTERNET AND DISTRICT NETWORK. The map will be reviewed annually. data, or passwords belonging to other users. ; Enroll / Transfer Your Child Steps for getting your child started at Polk County Public Schools. The school will make phone calls to the homes of the parents of absent children who have not notified the school of their childrens absences. If no report is heard, it can be assumed the schools are opening/closing on time. Hours of Operation 7:30 AM-3:30 PMschool days Monday through Friday except when reserved for testing and other special events. Anyone who finds articles should bring them into the main office. From there, select the Update Account Info tab and enter your new email address in the corresponding field. All other absences are unexcused. Academic support is available in all subject areas. The only participants in live video-conferencing should be the teacher and the students. Students who are late for their first period class are considered unexcused unless a note from parents is presented to the attendance office. Please remember that your password is case-sensitive. student's failure to attend any or all of his or her scheduled periods of actual instruction or academic support periods for the full duration of said period(s) of instruction or activity; student's late arrival of more than ten (10) minutes to any of his or her scheduled periods of actual instruction or academic support periods during the course of a school day; and/or. If permission is granted to use the elevator, a key will be issued upon receipt of a $5.00 refundable fee. Schools are the cornerstone of our community. Rye Brook, NY 10573 . entrance will wait outside of the building at regularly spaced intervals. Students will be given credit for approved work in other high schools. Teachers are not obligated to provide make-up tests or accept homework or other assignments from students who have missed class due to an unexcused absence. reports mailed to the colleges will reflect the first and second quarter grades for a full-year course and the final grade for a semester course. , as well as provide instruction on the control of information during an emergency, taking into consideration the possession of cellular phones by the constituencies mentioned above. The host student accepts full responsibility for his or her guest and the guest agrees to conduct himself/herself according to the rules governing our student body. Associate Principal - Mark Greenwald. This information is synced nightly toSchoolMessenger, the District's notification system and is also used in other applications such as health screening. It is their goal to help students realize their academic potential and make informed decisions regarding their studies. Each course provides three credits per year toward graduation. There have been issues concerning safety regarding computer hackers tapping into Zoom Meetings. Using or sharing another users login name and password is prohibited. 24 hours after you update eSchooldatacontactinformation, please visitSchoolMessenger's webpage ( to create an account to manage how you would like to receive notifications from the District. The school will consider, in special circumstances, courses at accredited summer school or other appropriate institutions to substitute for the Blind Brook High School courses. 390 North Ridge Street Rye Brook, NY 10573 Phone: 914-937-3600 Fax: 914-937-5871 eSchoolData Parent Portal - the parent portalwill give you access to student attendance records, report cards, progress reports and transcripts.

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parent portal blind brook