concord high school mascot change

Accessibility Help. If the school board worked as hard on student curriculum and teaching students reading, writing, and arithmetic, perhaps the students would be better prepared for the world once they graduate. Just stop, please. Got the diversity militant angry lesbian thing going on! Concord High School 219 W Monroe St Concord, MI 49237 Phone: 517-524-8384 Fax: 517-524-6196 Coyotes? Time to get America back the way it was. Last year, they were closing in on the crocodiles. change the names to Cowards, if they let this happen. Time will tell. Avoid Bailey Rd. Heres a cookie. If its anyone paid by the MDUSD, then they need to be fired. GEOFF FORESTERMonitor staff Buy this Image. But that never went through due to transparency issues and a lack of student involvement. Why not name them Whipped, because that is what they are. Why does it matter if we change the name of a mascot that people find offensive? Apparently the Principal and English teacher are the ones spearheading this nonsense. Followed by crocodiles then cats. Concord High School Mascot Change Sparks Debate. I was at the School Board meeting to support keeping our school mascot and heard the CHS Principal, students, and School Board members who supported the change. There is no coming back from what is going on. IMHO. In Concord Due To Construction, Dutch Bros. Coffee In Martinez Opening Soon,, Contra Costa: Chemtrade Fined $1.15M For Air Quality Violations, UPDATE: ConFire Responding To Vegetation Fire In Bay Point, Sourdough & Co. Then students will have their own presentation. . Can someone please tell me whats wrong with the mintuemen name and how it is politically offensive to people in general?? MDUSD has a million other issues they need to put money toward that are more important than this. At nearby Ygnacio Valley High School, the Indian Warrior mascot is no longer on the school signs. Ygnacio Valley High School ( YVHS) is a public secondary school located in Concord, California, United States. People need to stop being so sensitive and bringing politics into literally EVERYTHING. Victim Mentality College Prep High Thats why they call everything traditionally American racist. A lot of them under three feet tall, as a matter of fact. This stuff comes down from activist administrators. I suggest that people contact the school board, superintendent, board of education, and board of supervisors to express concerns and complaints using reason and logic. Lets just go for a color name and keep it as bland as possible. Why do liberals hate their country so much? . Im telling you we are a lost civilization. My property taxes shouldnt have to increase because someone doesnt like the mascot of a school. Maybe strange, but at least theyre hoppy, This is the most absurd thing I have ever heard! I vote for, Minutemen. We are going to pledge about $2 million (YV estimate) on re-branding CHS for such a small group? The chargers of gold and silver of Ezra 1:9 were basins for receiving the blood of sacrifices. S**t on by a cow or a condor? Stop all the political BS. If you dont agree with her, she attacks. Fabulous. And the funny thing is most people arent offended by mascots. Concord High School Mascot Change Sparks Debate. Perhaps they started just about the same time the public schools started telling little boys to be ashamed of being boys; especially little white boys and teaching little girls that they could just become boys if they want to. Sign up for NBC Bay Areas Housing Deconstructed newsletter. A coyote is a name used for drug trafficers bringing drugs and illegal people across the Mexican border. Oh look McFerrin and Nzewi voted for the whole agenda item. You are the problem. Native Americans (Indians) considered calling someone a coyote an insult ! Thanks for ointing out the obvious. Should the school be deciding how to best educate kids? How about asking some of the thousands of former students? As a graduate of CHS this saddens me. Parents have been speaking out against the change for months. Instead of doing things honestly they have to be crooked. It chisels directly away at the founding story of the country, replacing it with something ugly and evil they can then fix with they ideology. A total of 500 out of more than 1,100 students participated and leading the poll are the bears. Concord High School is considering retiring its Minutemen Moniker mascot, but. Is there nothing that DOESNT offend them? Backdoormen would be acceptable to the woke libs apologies to JM and the Doors Opening Restaurant In Pleasant Hill. Spend the money on more important and pressing issues!! The word "Minutemen" does not at all imply that the male population of students are any more represented than those who identify otherwise. Nothing racial,just part of history. Concord High School is a 9-12 public high school in Concord, California, United States,. MY late wife? The non profit critical race and queer theory snuck in during Covid ZOOM meetings. Forgot to answer the survey @Deb Shay The vote was 2-2, with one member absent. This whole school name change was a waste of time, but at least in the end the Minutemen prevailed! First, were not all men and second it sounds sexual in nature based on songs out there in the musical world. Concord High alum who was there in 1995 when they covered up the painting in the gym of the minuteman holding a rifle with a bloodied bayonet over his head and started replacing everything with a color palette swapped New England Patriots logo. There were parades, and firework displays. There are more serious problems with our school district and schools then to bother with changing Concords mascot. Also the school is ranked as one of the top 20 in the state, Principal (8 Years at Concord High) I admire you for bravely standing your ground against the President of the Boards bullying tactic. By clicking Sign Up, I confirmthat I have read and agreeto the Privacy Policy and Terms of Service. If so, the problem is not in the name. Concord Commieshas a nice ring to it, and fitting, too. When the subject of changing the two school's mascots first became public Khaund was MDUSD board president. Now days, some lame brain wuss finds if offensive. The Water Cooler Would You Ever Move Out Of The Country? Well done Mark! I am, however, scratching my head over this one. Sharon Katsuda reports.Stay Connected:Follow us on Twitter: Like us on Facebook: Follow us on Instagram: Follow us on TikTok: Catch up on all the day's news: Download our mobile app: On iOS: On Android: Watch us on OTT:Add our channel on Roku: Download our app on Amazon Fire TV: If todays songs are the reason you want to change it, you are listening to the wrong music. like educating lets do a real poll of Concord residents.. oh wait they know what the answer will be .. just like renamng Kirker Pass ridiculous, How about we focus on important things like the actual education & curriculum not the schools nameSTUPID. In the same way that "man kind" represents all of the human race and not just men. Advertisement Time to vote those morons out or recall them! She said that in the first meeting I attended in 2022. A bunch of. how about working on the quality of education? There is nothing offensive about the current mascot. West Concord High School's mascot was the Cardinal. Cows, kangaroos, and chameleons all sound like joke names. Its obvious Steve isnt naming the teachers for obvious privacy reasons. The silent majority needs to get up stand up. Would that money be better spent elsewhere? . For decades YVHS had Warriors as thier mascot,,and it was a drawing of an Amercian Indian warrior. What a crying shame to change it.I went there when the school first opened and graduated from there.This county has gone to hell changing history.Taking down statues changing names of streets and buildings.It makes me very prejudices which I never was in the past.So un American. All done before any approval of a mascot change was made. The goal is to have a final decision within the next few weeks. The school board is behind the name change, like YVHS had to do. Does anyone have verification? Now no more queer proms and a return to morality and decency. Keisha Nzewi YES Politically incorrect to have a school named after people that fought for our independence. Until then, the debate continues and the Minuteman stands at attention at Concord High. Cows? . The survey asked the recipient to pick five of eight choices. . woke and DEMs, Americas version of the taliban. How about Coyotes, so they can compete with the YVHS Wolves? It would be ironic that changing the name would erase a bit of American revolution history. An East Bay school's decision to change its mascot is sparking big debate, and some outrage, among people in Contra Costa County. Linda, DebraTHANK YOU! Maybe the fall of America has been coming for a long time, but it seemed to gather momentum following the 2009 presidential election, through 2016. This will empower those outfits to control everything in the curriculum and school operations! I thought for sure the change was a done deal. 32 Cats And Kittens Available For Adoption At Contra Costa Animal Services. It is great as applied to American history and what good patriots stand for!! Im thinking perhaps the message on his jacket was meant to be tongue in cheek against the establishment. If you are going to change it to an animal then it should be an animal that is indigenes to Concord, CA. This heavely financed political machine that make Klaus Shwab proud. Absurd! What MDUSD Governing Board/Trustee District/Area do you live in? Maybe focus on all the other educational issues at the school and actually teach history . They were proud Minutemen, including my girls! I went to CHS and this name change is an utter joke and a disgrace. As the movement to end Native American sports mascots grows nationwide and in New Hampshire, two Granite State high schools that have made the switch are . Class of 72 here, Concord,CA. That would be the city not the MDUSD Board. That is the superintendents excuse, ok then remove the rifle, however this principal has been trying to remove the mascot for the last 8 years she gives other excuses, they removed all the NCS championship flags when they painted the gym and removed the Face of the then Minuteman which by they way was NOT holding a gun the NCS championship flags have still not been put back up, i guess previous classes do not mean anything anymore nor does our history. Stop trying to change history! Have you been living under a rock for the past two decades? Concord High School is considering retiring its Minutemen Moniker mascot, but some families want to keep it. . Does this principal think we need to wipe all references to gender from public life? They use accusations of racism, colonialism, misogyny, Islamophobia, homophobia etc to guilt and strong arm people into going along. Its just people that would be ready at a moments notice to defend their country. Mr. If the idea of honoring women is too much for you, how about The Concord High Mutineers, in honor of the African American sailors who died in the Port Chicago disaster and the survivors who fought for better working conditions and were court-martialed for their efforts. Why not teach kids the basics, like math, reading, writing and history? Think about how much effort and money has been put into changing the mascot to a cow or cat . Im sure there are several more fitting names for public schools only interested I tearing down our country, sowing the seeds of divisiveness, instilling white guilt and victim mentality in our kids as well as sexulizing young children rather than teaching basic math, reading and writing skills . By the way, I was in the Central Valley once and a bunch of kids were in line at the fast food place I was getting lunch, and they were wearing the uniforms of their trap shooting club. Is that ok, you feel included now? All who want this should also pay for it. Sad that our students are taught the proud history of these amazing patriots! Posted: May 6, 2022 / 09:27 PM PDT Updated: May 6, 2022 / 09:27 PM PDT CONCORD, Calif. (KRON) - A proposed mascot change at an East Bay high school is causing some controversy. @TeacherMom Unfortunately its clearly not the same environment as when you were teaching there. So sick of the woke crowd making demands. On May 4th Billy posted a good suggestion to write the school principal. Tough being a Minute Man but still proud. I adore her! . I worry about this countrys mindset at times thinking alls fine and hunky dory in the world and we could just be weak and lower our guard. @Sharon H.: That was kind of what minute Men was about. Im not offended, I attended CHS and proud to be a woman thats a Minutemen. So, Concord High has had the Minutemen mascot for 54 years and that was ok but now they want to change it? The mascot at Concord High School is named Minutemen and the . Biden started this year comparing people who disagree with him on election laws to George Wallace segregationists, and most recently called Trump/MAGA supporters the most extreme political organization in the history of the country. Minutemen are named after fighters from the American Revolutionary War, with a logo showing a Minuteman holding a gun. Majestic mascot? Do all these people live in Concord or attended Concord High? Contact Us . or some such stupidity. I was a minuteman in marching band in 1970/74 lets quit trying to change history but learn from it. You vill comply. Which are female, so thats non-inclusive anyway. Copyright 2023 NBCUniversal Media, LLC. A country, by the way, that lets even the whining waggers have equal say in how shes managed. VERY well spoken, Glad to see that our school mascot hadnt changed. However, after the vote results were published, certain pearl-clutchers buttonholed the principal and talked him into going with the Gregory Gardens Gators, because they said that the word Bandits sent a negative message. But theres Russia as we can truly see what theyre doing and can do. LoL! The psychologist will be trained in the trans of young children. We have more important issues then changing a school mascot name. Not even close to a simple majority vote of 601 votes. Plus it seems like the kids really dont care to change it if half of the school voted. I was on the Athletic Booster Board for 6 of those 8 years. It's a historical symbol dating back to the American. The school has been trying to change its mascot for over a year now following a district decision to replace human mascots for non-human mascots. Very cool related story couple years back .. when I was living in Saigon hot day sat down for a ice tea break next to an old Viet man selling used watches, and rings and other little collectables. Group To Give Presentation In Support Of Keeping The Concord High School Mascot, Woman, Unborn Child Expected To Survive Following Shooting, The Clayton Police Weekly Activity Report, Los Vaqueros Reservoir Expansion Project Receives $10 million From Bureau Of Reclamation, Good Move! How about giving the thousands of alumni a say instead of just the current student body, again who seem to be offended!or dont understand the history behind the mascot. But why change it at all? All rights reserved. Stop being offended! This mascot and definition represents our school and athletics very well. What happened to teaching children to value our liberty and the sacrifices of the generations before us? The Left Wing Jerk Offs with Newsome as the mascot. Leave the mascot alone and focus on education. What a joke. @Concord85: Kicked by a kangaroo? Youre welcome. Concord. The group that attended the school district meeting Wednesday night were firm and passionate in their stance that the mascot should stay. Perhaps the Concord Cross-dressers? As Im sure you are aware, this event played a role in the Civil Rights movement. Im sure glad our tax money is paying the bill for all this. Was it denied due of the fiscal costs or some other political driven agenda? If they were called the infantrymen or soldiers, would that be offensive too? See more of Dublin, CA Local - News Break on Facebook They have the back of the unions so they have all the money. Take a look at ladies swim teams these days.. Ok, we are so so sorry your feelings are hurt. @BWIZZLE.In the late 60s the El Dorado mascot was the Conquistador, Mr. Kilgore used to dress up as one. Removing the word reservation from the english dictionary or change the name of the country India? Id say youre the one with your kitty kat hurt. I was cool with changing the name until I read that its not politically correct. It gives me hope that theres some sanity left! Very telling! Didnt the taliban as part of their fanaticism, erase history, destroy established icons and statues ? The average person supporting this stuff doesnt think that way, they are just fooled by the liberation rhetoric around it. But since you think gender doesnt matter in a school mascot, Ive come up with some historical suggestions Im sure you will approve of: The Concord High WACs, after our fine female military members from years gone by. NO! Concord High School is considering retiring its Minutemen Moniker mascot. I dont know, maybe they are all descendants of Benedict Arnold or something. For those wondering, the definition of Minutemen, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is a member of a group of men pledged to take up arms at a minutes notice during and immediately before the American Revolution.. Sone have lost their minds and cant allow this wokeness to take over ever aspect of our lives. Offers from FOX Television stations and our advertisers. Sign up for NBC Bay Areas Housing Deconstructed newsletter. Regular pay: $139,718.03 And then we bought a home back in Concord High territory. Not worth the change and history of school, actually a lot of student body dont want to change it! How dare they manipulate these young minds to a false narrative! Maybe school students arent comfortable with the concept of people taking up arms. Homeowners Building Wall Around The House On Clayton & Cape Cod In Concord. The parents of the MDUSD have lost confidence in the School Board and their plant. . Seriously!!! But the thought leaders that foment this, absolutely do. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed. OMG that is friggin hilarious! They get 3-4 lefties that complain and they bend the knee. CONCORD, Calif. (KRON) Controversy continues over a proposed mascot change at an East Bay school. For those wondering, the definition of Minutemen, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, isa member of a group of men pledged to take up arms at a minutes notice during and immediately before the American Revolution..

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concord high school mascot change