benefits of male teachers

Ultimately, if we want men to join and remain in the early childhood workforce, we must confront the pressures that inhibit male educators from bringing their full selves to the classroom. Men play a critical part in improving education systems when they become teachers. In fact, theyre in such high demand that the majority of new teachers are men. Fort Myers News-Press. Finally, look for a male teacher who isnt afraid to stand up against discrimination or injustice whether its racism, sexism, homophobia or any other form of bigotry. I feel like I have to be more careful. Another participant shared his female colleagues caution that if a child says I touched the child, the parents not going to think anything. A Ventura County minister and former teacher was charged Wednesday with multiple felonies related to communicating with a minor in order to have sex. 1936 0 obj Macquarie University provides funding as a member of The Conversation AU. . But the positive feelings I get from this job outweigh any negative feelings. 0000005081 00000 n It is no secret that our education system is in need of reform. "If we want more men in the classroom, we'll need to see some data about the benefits of a gender-balanced corps," he notes. 1940 0 obj Schools also benefit when teachers reflect the interests, needs and backgrounds of their students. There are a number of factors that have contributed to this change.First, as more women have entered the workforce over the past few decades, there are simply fewer women available to enter the teaching profession. Two male educators interviewed for this study also described feeling proud of their work: one felt integral to the centre team, and the . He has worked to create, implement, and refine early childhood education professional development programs at organizational, city, and national levels. In a recent study, Lindsay, Blom, and Tilsley present an impressive analysis of the disparities between the racial composition of American children and the racial composition of the American. So Im playing two different roles here. In the 2020-21 school year, there were 3.8 million full- and part-time public school teachers, including 1.9 million elementary teachers and 1.9 million secondary teachers. 2019. Early Childhood Workforce Index 2016. While many participants find it highly gratifying to serve as a positive example, Javiers story in the opening vignette highlights a tension that many male early childhood educators feel. Ignite and fulfill your professional development goals! 34.9% of those in Catholic schools. When young children do not have relationships with male teachers and caregivers, traditional gender stereotypes are reinforced, particularly as they relate to childrens understanding of who is responsible for their growth and learning (Aina & Petronella 2011; Brownhill & Oates 2016). ALLEN: I think Douglass saw inspiration in it. And more decisively, I think Douglass and Ida B. Early childhood education plays a critical part in young childrens gender identity development (Solomon 2016). In the early 1900s, more than 80 percent of teachers were female. In addition to addressing issues of compensation, however, several recommendations emerged from our study that would directly address challenges to the recruitment and retention of male early childhood educators. The teaching profession is expected to grow 4% or more in the next decade at all teaching levels. Children experience a range of models of femininity and womanhood though their exposure to a variety of female educators and caregivers. Drudy, S. 2008. 0000010450 00000 n And I know because I've worked with a few outstanding teachers in mentoring relationship in Florida, and they understand that the standards give them the opportunity to teach. The context was, what should schoolchildren be asked to learn when a standalone strand of curriculum standards is, for the first time, initiated in the state of Florida? Youre good with the kids. Who Do You Want Me to Be? Berkeley, CA: Center for the Study of Child Care Employment, University of California at Berkeley. NYC Men Teach was launched by the Office of the Mayors Young Mens Initiative in 2015, with the goal of adding 1,000 Black, Latino, and Asian American teachers to public school classrooms across the city. %PDF-1.7 % November 20, 2013 Source: Taylor & Francis Summary: Some argue that boys have become the 'new disadvantaged' as the result of efforts to eradicate female disadvantage in a historically male. Female teachers predominate in primary and post-primary schools in most Western countries. The questionnaire was completed by 46 respondents and gathered quantitative and qualitative data about the educators career trajectories, teacher preparation, compensation, professional development experiences, and mentoring. To begin to address issues of racial justice, many institutions have developed race-based affinity groups to encourage people to explore issues of privilege and oppression in safe spaces (Parsons & Ridley 2012). There is no denying that male teachers can be excellent role models for their students. Toronto, ON: HarperCollins. However, it is still higher than the median salary for all occupations, which is $51,960.The highest 10 percent of male elementary school teachers earn more than $85,490 per year, while the lowest 10 percent earn less than $35,830. In the 2017-18 school year, there were 3.3 million full-time and part-time traditional public school teachers, 205,600 public charter school teachers, and 509,200 private school teachers. 1943 0 obj 0000002701 00000 n 0000002086 00000 n I can be both of those things at the same time. It is no secret that our education system is in need of reform. In order to increase gender balance, we must be intentional and proactive in how we recruit and retain men in the fieldespecially men of color. Although the importance of men in education has been recognized, little has changed over the past two decades. They know that Ron DeSantis is the governor of Florida, that he has pushed very hard on culture war issues, and also he's pushed into the universities. Deep Secrets: Boys Friendships and the Crisis of Connection. These are constantly repeated themes. You know, a side hug." According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (2019), fewer than 3 percent of preschool and kindergarten teachers are menand this figure has not changed substantially in recent decades (US Bureau of Labor Statistics 1995). Ill give you a hug to show what it means that I can be both sides, that any male can be both sides. The gender pay gap is clearly not only applicable to education, but it is clear that this has inadvertently made it less likely for men to see teaching as a viable career. 0000014186 00000 n The NCES data also shows the number of male teachers dropped at both the elementary and secondary education levels between the 1999-2000 school year and 2017-2018. Join your professional membership association, explore local Affiliates, and access unbeatable member benefits. Workforce diversity has also been linked to improved performance and job satisfaction. As young children grow, they need to know that people of all genders have an important role to play in their care and education. 0000033159 00000 n To learn more about how this support group functioned for the male educators, we conducted a focus group with the participants. Male teachers who emphasize cooperation over the competition can help instill this important lesson. Support our mission and reach the NAEYC audience through your advertisement, conference exhibit booth, or sponsorship. In the final section of this article, we describe our recommendations for replicating this model. Learn about and purchase the best books and resources to support young children's learning and development. For example, early childhood education and special education are both fields where women make up a majority of the workforce. are teachers of color, we have an urgent need to act. Marian University offers undergraduate and graduate education degrees suited for both career-switchers and those launching a first career. Austin. People had different skills and used them in different ways and sometimes were able to make money for themselves while enslaved. Say Hello and discuss, network, and connect with our interest forums and online communities. After analyzing the questionnaire data, we began a series of interviews. We've got to understand that all students benefit from teacher diversity. Despite these challenges, there are plenty of reasons why being a male teacher can be rewarding and fulfilling.If youre considering becoming a teacher, dont let your gender hold you back you could be just what your students need! Barry Fike, a pastor at . In 2016, 21.5% of elementary and middle school teachers were male, and still only 2.5% of preschool and kindergarten teachers were male (BLS, 2016). 06/10/20 Why Black male teachers matter Many of the lessons Black male teachers bring to the classroom go far beyond academic content and pedagogy. While there are many benefits to having a diverse teaching staff, there are some unique benefits that male teachers can bring to the table.One benefit of having male teachers is that they can provide a different perspective for students. hb```b``a`e``Vcd@ A; (m , 1#.U1EKBE O>,M ,:[nops1Q&]Zd/J$CHV 'j As much as young men look up to sports figures, a strong male role model in the front of the classroom can positively influence the emotional development of his students, especially boys. :T(60```a`8OSc~ lX50tEi 1941 0 obj 1939 0 obj It's a 216-page document - I've got it open on my screen here - including the sentence that has drawn so much attention from Vice President Harris and others, the one about slaves learning skills. Deevia Bhana is a Professor and SARChI Chair at the University of KwaZulu-Natal and receives funding from the South African Research Chairs Initiative of the Department of Science and Innovation and National Research Foundation of South Africa 98407. A big one, says Ethan Zagore in a USA Today article, is that many people just fundamentally consciously or subconsciously believe the role of an elementary teacher is better suited for women.. Journalist's Resource has pulled together a sampling of academic studies that explore how a teacher's race or . To achieve this, governments can develop nondiscriminatory curricula . One important way this can be done is by including both male and female teachers. I responded to a general call for people with interest in and commitment to the educational institutions of the state to respond, and I responded. I think those who followed him saw inspiration in it. In a world where boys are often raised to believe that they should aspire to be strong and stoic, it can be refreshing for them to see a man who is comfortable expressing his emotions and working with others. Professor Gender and Childhood Sexuality, University of KwaZulu-Natal, Affiliated Researcher, Alumnus, Macquarie University, Associate Professor in Educational Psychology, Macquarie University, Post-doctoral research fellow, University of KwaZulu-Natal. Diverse experiences allow students to see the diversity of relationships within and outside the classroom. This figure represents a slight decrease from the previous year, when the median salary was $59,660. When Javier, a kindergarten teacher, leads morning meeting, he begins with a mindfulness exercise to prepare the 27 energetic and curious children in his classroom to be present with each other. This issue of Black men not being teachers in the classroom affects every student, but it affects Black boys disproportionately. For other children, male teachers may increase their understanding of how to interact with adults who are different to themselves promoting positive relationships between men and young children. Its grammar is certainly perfectly clear when refers to the fact that those who were held in slavery possess skills, whether they developed them before being held in slavery, while being held in slavery or subsequently to being held in slavery, from which they benefited when they applied themselves in the exertion of those skills. Much remains to be done in creating a diverse workforce one which recognises men and women outside of gender stereotypes. Why Are There Less Male Elementary Teachers? One participant recalled being advised by his first supervisor. This is due to a few factors.First, there are simply more men than women in the teaching profession. Male early childhood teachers like Javier find themselves and their work received in a variety of ways. So Im really happy . According to the most recent data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for male elementary school teachers is $58,760 per year. The remaining 4 percent work in private schools or other settings such as daycare centers and after-school programs.BTW, elementary school teachers typically need at least a bachelors degree in education or a related field. Some colleagues and families offer affirmation and support, while others treat male early childhood educators with curiosity or suspicion. This sense of "otherness" and common perceptions of ECEC as simple care work may contribute to low levels of male participation in the ECEC workforce worldwide; however, this situation could changewith greater awareness of the professional challenges inherent in this work, and with greater exposure by staff and parents to male educators. endobj September 2014 Teacher staffing and pay differences: public and private schools A study using Current Population Survey data shows that, from 1996 to 2012, elementary, middle, and high school teachers earned less than other college graduates, but the gap was smaller for public school teachers and smaller still if they had union representation; moreover, the mitigating effects are stronger for . ALUMNI |MYMARIAN|NEWS | MARIAN CARES. 0000009787 00000 n But nationally only seven percent of teachers are Black, and only two percent are Black men . The facts sustain it. On a more progressive note, some of our findings show support for male teachers who can show children caring and non-violent ways of being a man. trailer It is a well-known fact that male and female teachers tend to have different teaching styles. These programs include a Bachelor of Science in Elementary-Middle Education and a Bachelor of Science in Middle-Secondary Education. startxref However, over the past few decades, that number has been slowly but steadily declining.Today, about 60 percent of teachers are women and 40 percent are men. 2012. Login to the Early Learning Accreditation Portal to take charge of your accreditation process. AARE also writes that the presence of male teachers may help promote alternative, non-violent, and gender-equitable versions of masculinity, adding that men who work as teachers can help to break down the polarized differences that foster gender inequalities.. Halpin. NPR transcripts are created on a rush deadline by an NPR contractor. Solomon, J. In total, almost 5.5 million students attend private schools, according to 2019 NCES data. Here, young childrens observations of men as caring are particularly limited. <>/Border[0 0 0]/Rect[81.0 646.991 311.49 665.009]/Subtype/Link/Type/Annot>> Becoming a male teacher not only provides them with a rewarding career path, but it also contributes to improvements for schools and students. But to protect yourself, just make sure if somebody needs to use the bathroom or needs changing to call somebody for help, or make sure that somebodys there with you. However, because of their current scarcity in the field, male educators may also require intentional supports that address the particular circumstances they face related to bias and isolation. Stay current on all things related to your professional association, from book releases to policy updates. Brownhill, S., & R. Oates. Discover the benefits of early childhood accreditation, learn about the four step process,find support and resources for your program or login to the accreditation portal. But if they hear that you did, then that would seem weird. Many of our participants reported facing this double standard. Giese, R. 2018. See Permissions and Reprints online at Access accreditation data on early learning and higher education program characteristics and quality for research purposes. . ALLEN: I want to note the context, which maybe is why so many people have felt uncomfortable here. By working in roles that are typically viewed as being more appropriate for women, men can break down the polarised differences that foster gender inequalities. Finally, many school districts across the country have started offering financial incentives to attract male teachers to their schools.Despite this increase in male teachers, there are still some areas of education where women continue to dominate. Given recent research demonstrating the great benefits for all children in having a more racially diverse and representative education workforce (Cherng & Halpin 2016), development of the early childhood pipeline should prioritize African American and Latino male educators. In doing so, we came to better understand why men might avoid this work, but also the reasons why schools should include both female and male teachers. This can foster a sense of belonging and reduce instances of disruptive behavior. This article documents some of the joys and challenges that male early childhood teachers experience, and offers concrete recommendations for policy and practice that can be implemented to increase gender balance in the field.

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benefits of male teachers