The flexible meal model gives people and meal providers an alternative option to the hot meal delivered daily model. ability to better evaluate food service quality, efficiency and costs. AAAs are located throughout the United States and are available in every county within Washington State. Recipients of OAA services may make complaints orally or in writing to the AAA or directly to HHSC. The congregate meal providers executive management must notify the AAA of the closure. If the temporary site closure exceeds the length of time outlined in the sites plans, the AAA and the meal provider must work together to decide how they will continue to serve people. Nutrition counseling is an optional service to support the best health possible for people who receive other nutrition services. adhere to all training requirements for Certified Food Protection Managers and Food Handlers per the Texas Department of State Health Services (DSHS) rules for: Retail Food, Management and Personnel (25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapter 228, Subchapter B); and. AAAs and their subrecipients must write policy to ensure they meet targeting and preference requirements. Completion of Form 2270 is not required for Information, referral and assistance services. Reimbursement Methodology by Area Agency on Aging Description of the Area Agency on Agings method of payment to a service provider. They maintain a foundation to support a network for service delivery by working with and through groups of people who share an interest in aging issues. The agency serves the citizens of Benewah, Bonner, Boundary, Kootenai and Shoshone counties. has a grant or contract with a SUA or AAA); and. RSVP automatically enrolls all Area 10 volunteers age 55 and better in the RSVP 55+ Volunteer Program. Certified staff must include: The meal provider must keep documentation of training for food service staff in accordance with the meal providers written policy and in accordance with DSHS rules (25 Texas Administrative Code, Chapters 228 and 229). After the qualified dietitian or other qualified person provides training and guidance on using the materials, a nurse, social worker, therapist, congregate meal site director, wellness coordinator or other person may provide the nutrition education session. 937-223-HELP 1-800-258-7277. Requirements for the different types of meals are as follows: All hot, frozen, chilled, and shelf-stable meals must meet the nutrition requirements of the OAA. OAA supports older Americans to help them live at home and in the community with dignity and independence for as long as possible. A cycle menu for the nutrition program is usually four to six weeks in length with four cycles per year (spring, summer, fall and winter). Voluntary contributions expand services and provide a way for AAAs and subrecipients to expand their programs to serve more people. Older Americans Act of 1965, as Amended through P.L. Vitamin A, vitamin C, calcium, sodium, potassium, and fiber must be averaged over the number of serving days per week by each nutrition site. If a provider covers a rural area and it is not possible to meet that minimum requirement, request HHSC approval for the provider to serve fewer than five meals a week. Meal providers must deliver meals at least one time each week, regardless of the type and number of meals delivered. Subrecipients typically determine program eligibility, are responsible for program decision-making and adhere to program compliance requirements. Food sources high in Vitamin B-12. It helps identify the person's potential needs and collect information to determine eligibility and coordinate appropriate services. Partnerships and coalitions help the AAA mobilize and leverage resources and influence policy to ensure: Outreach identifies vulnerable, hard to reach people and their caregivers, and must include information about the aid available to them through the OAA programs. The meal must be labeled and provide the expiration date in large print with instructions for storing, thawing, and reheating, as appropriate. Intake, D-1020 We have certified Information and Referral Specialists and Options Counselors trained to provide information about community resources . approved menus and service dates for menus; signature of dietitian with Texas license or CDR registration number; Computer Nutrient Analysis or compliance with the Texas Model for Menu Planning, as applicable; and. We are the designated and local Aging and Disability Resource Center. meals meet or exceed the Texas nutrient requirements. Urban areas are comprised of (1) urbanized areas, which consist of a central place and its adjacent densely settled territories with a combined minimum population of 50,000 and (2) urban clusters with a population of at least 2,500 but fewer than 50,000. Care Coordination (Case Management) A service to assess the needs of an older person. AAAs and their subrecipients must have an advisory council that includes representatives of the following: AAAs are visible advocates engaged in their communities and the place for information on aging issues. have a baccalaureate degree with major studies in food and nutrition, dietetics or food service management. Documentation includes the name of the AAA or subrecipient, the name of the person conducting the CNE assessment, the date completed, and the name of the person assessed. AAAs must maintain an organizational structure through its Area Plan, job descriptions, staffing plans, and policies and procedures that reflect its ability to effectively administer its OAA programs. The Area Agencies on Aging Policies and Procedures Manual supports AAA. One ounce cooked lean beef, veal, pork, lamb, chicken, turkey, fish or seafood. Planning and Service Area (PSA) A geographical area, consisting of one or more counties, for which HHSC designates one AAA to develop and implement an area plan. Interest earned on advances of federal funds is not program income. Nutritional Risk Assessment, D-1060. Any substitutions on an approved menu must be comparable in nutrient content to the original menu. instruct all staff and representatives, other than a representative of the Office of the Ombudsman, to report allegations of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a program participant to DFPS; take proper corrective action if DFPS confirms abuse, neglect, or exploitation by meal provider staff of a person receiving OAA services; and. Frail Having a physical or mental disability, including having Alzheimer's disease or a related disorder with neurological or organic brain dysfunction, that restricts the ability of a person to perform normal daily tasks or threatens the capacity of a person to live independently. Design material to provide participants with the understanding, skills, and motivation necessary to make informed food, activity, and behavioral choices that can improve their health and prevent chronic disease. The AAAs have local decision-making authority to adapt services and supports to the regional circumstances in their Planning and Service Areas (PSAs). Eliminate all sources of trans fat from the meal planning. It identifies planning, coordination, evaluation, and service provision activities for the period of the plan as well as funding and other resources available to the AAA. Staff must discuss the questions with the caregiver. If appropriate, people may also receive nutrition counseling. If you need assistance, please contact our office at (208) 667-3179. Area Agencies on Aging (AAAs) and subrecipients must ensure compliance with eligibility, reporting, and other requirements of the Older American Act (OAA) and the Texas Health and Human Services Commission (HHSC). Estimated Audience Estimated number of eligible people potentially reached through activities directed to audiences using mass media, such as publications, public service announcements, media campaigns and caregiver symposiums. Part II Averaged Over the Number of Days of Meal Service Per Week. The meal provider must send a written report of such monitoring to the AAA. The name of the staff member completing Form 2276 is required, but not their signature. Chapter D, Intake and Assessment for Services. The State Unit on Aging under the OAA divides the state into distinct planning and service areas (PSAs). Complete a nutritional risk assessment annually for every person receiving congregate meals, HDMs or nutrition counseling. Non-economic factors include: Homebound Not able to leave the home without assistance from another person. The meal provider must ensure there are sanitary and safe conditions for storing, thawing and reheating meals when the provider distributes chilled, frozen, or other meals for emergency conditions, inclement weather, disasters or holidays. Documents / Publications 2023 DOEA Programs and Services Handbook To link to the 2023 DOEA Programs and Services Handbook Click Here Adult Protective Services Referrals - Operations Manual Adult Protective Services Referrals - Operations Manual DOEA "2022 County and PSA Profiles" Indian River County Profile Martin County Profile Okeechobee County Profile Palm Beach County Profile St. Lucie . Meats should be oven baked, broiled, grilled or roasted. Unit of service is hour(s). the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA). Under Texas law (Texas Human Resources Code, Section 48.052), a person who does not report suspected abuse can be held liable for a misdemeanor or a felony. Maintain the caregivers contact information, including the name, address, and telephone number in the eligible persons file. funds for nutrition services are not spent on meals provided to ineligible people. The CDC has indicated that this is a determination made by the vaccine recipient. Eastern Area Agency on Aging. Units are particular to the service. Fiscal Year A specific 12-month period during which funds are expended. Texas Health and Human Service Commission (HHSC) approves the area plans. Note: There are no citizenship or residency requirements for OAA services. Except as otherwise provided in federal statutes, regulations or the terms and conditions of the federal award, program income does not include rebates, credits, discounts and interest earned on any of them. cannot be home for a regularly scheduled delivery due to medical issues such as dialysis or outpatient rehabilitation or lives in a rural area; meal providers cannot meet a persons dietary needs; or. AAAs must develop long-range emergency preparedness plans and coordinate disaster activities with local and state emergency response agencies, relief organizations and local and state governments. Consider the following when developing a cycle menu: The advantages of using cycle menus include: A standardized recipe is one that is tested for consistency, quality, correct serving size and yield. AAAs contract with local service providers to offer congregate and home delivered meals, transportation and in-home services. Incorporates policy from AAA Bulletin 21-01, Service Definitions for Area Agencies on Aging, Federal Fiscal Year (FFY) 2022, released on Aug. 24, 2021. Activities include ability to use the phone, shopping, food preparation, housekeeping, laundry, mode of transportation, medication management and ability to manage finances. Provide nutrition education to all recipients of nutrition services at least once every 12 months. The following meals are eligible meals counted and reported in the HHSC information management system as Nutrition Services Incentive Program (NSIP) eligible if they meet all the conditions for NSIP eligibility: The following meals are not eligible meals and not counted or reported in the HHSC information management system. Home Delivered Meals for Caregivers, F-1230. Administration of Older Americans Act (OAA) services includes serving as the focal point for aging services, providing advocacy for older people in their service area, developing and implementing an area plan based on OAA requirements, procurement of services funded with federal and state funds, contract management, reporting, reimbursement, accounting, auditing, monitoring and quality assurance.